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May, 2016
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way through 2016! With our practices as busy as ever, the TSI Healthcare Government Affairs team wants to make you aware of some upcoming deadlines & important news relating to CMS programs. If you have any questions about the items addressed below, please open a ticket with helpdesk@tsihealthcare.com and a member of our team will contact you.
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Hot Topics Webinar: Sign Up Now!
TSI Healthcare offers exclusive Hot Topics webinars focused on the latest information about MU & PQRS. The webinars are offered weekly with different topics rotating on a monthly basis. All practices must attend one of the sessions each month or watch a recording.
[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”sf-icon-stroke” size=”standard” link=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/1033699633024711684″ target=”_blank” icon=”ss-usergroup” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]Live Webinars: Select Date & Register[/sf_button][sf_button colour=”accent” type=”sf-icon-stroke” size=”standard” link=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/4429974504117859332″ target=”_blank” icon=”ss-video” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]Recording: May Hot Topics Webinar[/sf_button][sf_button colour=”accent” type=”sf-icon-stroke” size=”standard” link=”https://tsihealthcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/May-Hot-Topics-Webinar-4.29.16.pdf” target=”_blank” icon=”ss-picture” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]Slides: May Hot Topics Webinar[/sf_button]
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HQM SQL Server Requirements
- To enhance your data security, NextGen will be upgrading their certificate to SHA2 certificate on July 15, 2016. This update will require practices’ HQM servers to be on up-to-date versions of Windows.
- TSI Healthcare Cloud ASP Hosted Clients: No action required.
- Clients Hosting NextGen On Their Own Servers: Practices must update Report servers housing the HQM Service to Windows® Server 2008 R2 server on higher or minimum Windows 7 prior to July 15, 2015. Failure to do so will result in HQM reports interruptions.
- Please confirm with your IT contact as soon as possible if your practice’s Report Server meets these specifications.
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MIPS & MACRA: What You Need To Know Today
- MIPS & MACRA Overview
- The Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) continues the shift from fee for service to pay for performance.
- 2017 is scheduled to be the first performance year (with applicable payment adjustments in 2019 based on 2017 performance).
- Under MACRA, providers can opt to participate in either:
- Advanced Alternate Payment Models (such as risk bearing ACOs)
OR - MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment System)
- Advanced Alternate Payment Models (such as risk bearing ACOs)
- What we know about MIPS today
- “Combines” Meaningful Use, PQRS, VBM, and Quality Practice Improvement by evaluating performance on all programs and assigning a single “score” based on overall performance.
- The “score” is then used to assess payment adjustment.
- MU will make up 25% of the “score” whereas PQRS & VBM will make up 60%.
- One of the most important actions practices can take TODAY to prepare for MIPS is to focus on MU & PQRS!
- See the next section regarding important PQRS next steps.
- “Combines” Meaningful Use, PQRS, VBM, and Quality Practice Improvement by evaluating performance on all programs and assigning a single “score” based on overall performance.
- MIPS & MACRA Timeline
- On April 1, 2016: CMS sent draft regulations to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
- On April 27, 2016: CMS released the MACRA Proposed Rule.
- CMS welcomes public comment on the proposed MACRA rule. Deadline to submit public comment: 5pm on June 27, 2016.
- TSI Healthcare’s Government Affairs Team is in the process of reviewing the 962 page proposed rule.
- MIPS Webinar
- TSI Healthcare will be offering live webinars on the MIPS program during the following times:
- Wednesday, May 11 at 11:30am Eastern
- Monday, May 16 at 2:30pm Eastern
- Thursday, May 19 at 2:30pm Eastern
- TSI Healthcare will be offering live webinars on the MIPS program during the following times:
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PQRS: Next Steps
- Start Reviewing Your Reports
- The 2015 PQRS measures are available in HQM for 2016 benchmarking.
- Practices that used PQRS reports in the HQM module in 2015 will have 2016 reports auto-configured to 2016 using the last configuration settings.
- If you did not set up PQRS reports in the HQM module in 2015 and need assistance setting up reports, please email helpdesk@tsihealthcare.com.
- The 2015 PQRS measures are available in HQM for 2016 benchmarking.
- Preparation Overview
- The details on each step are available on our MU Central website
- Step 1: Confirm Eligibility
- Step 2: Select a Reporting Method (Individual vs GPRO)
- Step 3: Register With CMS
- The deadline for GPRO registration is June 30, 2016. GPRO registration must be completed each calendar year. Even if you registered in 2015, you must register again for 2016 GPRO reporting.
- If your practice registers as a GPRO, please send your GPRO registration confirmation email to TSI Healthcare.
- For more information on GPRO reporting and how to register, please click here.
- Step 4: Select a Reporting Vendor & Review Available Measures (NextGen HQM or other registry).
- Step 5: Track Your Progress
- Step 6: Review Your Previous Years’ QRUR (Quality and Resource Use Report)
[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”https://tsihealthcare.com/mucentral/#PQRSPrep” target=”_blank” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]Review Steps In Detail[/sf_button]
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Advanced Audit Training Video
- The Advanced Audit utility allows system administrators to track certain user activities within the NextGen applications.
- It is the responsibility of each practice, not TSI Healthcare, to utilize the Advanced Audit utility for security auditing purposes.
- For information regarding how to use the Advanced Audit utility, please watch this short training video or visit the Security & Risk Analysis Resources section of our MU Central website.
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