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March, 2017
2017 has proved to be a busy year, but we here at TSI Healthcare hope your year is off to a great start!
The TSI Healthcare Government Affairs Team would like to take the opportunity to provide your practice with some helpful tips and important reminders as we complete 2016 program submissions and prepare for MIPS 2017. If you have any questions regarding the items addressed belw, please open a ticket with helpdesk@tsihealthcare.com and a member of our team will contact you.
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QP Services Registration Deadline Extended
- TSI Healthcare’s revolutionary QP Services program has been designed to help practices achieve high levels of success in each of the four categories for MIPS.
- Clients who do not sign up for QP Services will only receive Advancing Care Information Support (previously Meaningful Use support) moving forward.
- The registration deadline for QP Services has been extended to March 30, 2017.  Click here to learn more about the program and to schedule an appointment with your CSA.
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Upcoming 2016 Program Attestation Deadlines
- 2016 MU Medicaid attestation deadlines vary by state. Please confirm this deadline with your respective state.
- PQRS submissions are due to CMS by March 31st, 2017. Practices should aim to complete all provider submissions by March 17th, 2017.
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Planning for MIPS: Category Specific Information
As we kick off QP Services and prepare for MIPS, please below for important information regarding each of the four reporting categories.
Advancing Care Information (ACI)
- The 2017 ACI Transition Measures will be added to HQM within the upcoming weeks.
- The ACI category is considered optional for mid-levels in MIPS in 2017.
- However, we recommend that all providers at your practice follow the same ACI workflows to ensure everyone is prepared for 2018 ACI when all MIPS ECs (Eligible Clinicians) are required to participate in this category.
- There are two HQM reports for the 2017 MIPS Quality category. They will be added to the HQM Portal in the upcoming weeks.
- The 2017 CQM (EHR) Measures Report
- The 2017 PQRS (Registry) Measures Report
- Content Available Exclusively to Quality Program Services Clients.
Improvement Activities (IA)
- Providers are able to earn full credit for the IA category by being certified as a PCMH. Please see information below regarding the certification process.
- Content Available Exclusively to Quality Program Services Clients.
- As part of QP Services, TSI Healthcare will perform a bi-annual QRUR analysis to help your practice prepare for the MIPS Cost category.
- Content Available Exclusively to Quality Program Services Clients.
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What to Know Now: Mid-Levels in MIPS
- Mid-levels are considered MIPS Eligible Clinician unless they meet the following criteria:
- Low-Volume Threshold:
- Bill out less than $30,000/year to Medicare
- See less than 100 Medicare patients/year
- This is their first year billing Medicare
- Low-Volume Threshold:
- Based on how mid-levels at your practice are billing out to Medicare, they may meet the low-volume threshold and therefore be exempt from MIPS. Each practice is responsible for determining if your mid-levels are eligible for MIPS 2017.
- Group Reporting
- Mid-levels reporting as a group will be included in the group if they are considered a MIPS Eligible Clinician, regardless of their individual low-volume threshold status.
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Upcoming Webinars: Exclusive for QP Services Clients
- MIPS Quality Webinar
- MIPS Quality Category Overview webinars are scheduled for March 21st & 23rd.
- This exclusive webinar will cover the reporting requirements and scoring structure for the Quality category, and discuss how to best prepare for this category in 2017.
- Content Available Exclusively to Quality Program Services Clients.
- Hot Topics Webinars
- Registration for TSI Healthcare’s March Hot Topics webinars are now open!
- This webinar series offers live sessions twice a month. The content changes monthly.
- Content Available Exclusively to Quality Program Services Clients.
- Registration for TSI Healthcare’s March Hot Topics webinars are now open!
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Additional Resources:
- Regardless of your QP Services Subscription, we offer additional resources to our clients at www.tsihealthcare.com/qpcentral.
- The full content of this newsletter and QP Central is available to clients who are fully subscribed to QP Services. If you would like more information about QP Services, please click here to schedule an appointment with your CSA.
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