Generic Orders Module Setup Request

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Request To Setup Generic Lab and/or Generic Radiology

– This will create a new “performing entity” in your orders module called “Generic Lab” and/or “Generic Rad”
– It will not change or update any settings to other performing entities already set up (including InHouseLab)

STEP 1: Select What You Need Installed
– If your staff orders patient lab tests from a laboratory that is not currently set up as “performing entity” in your system, select “Generic Lab”
– If your staff orders radiology/imaging tests from a radiology/imaging group or system that is not currently set up as a “performing entity” in your system, select “Generic Radiology”

STEP 2: Train Your Staff
– Staff training is required
– Each practice must attend training on the features and functionality available within the Orders Module.
– Each Client is responsible for conducting internal end-user training.
– Our team will be automatically notified of training completion.

Standard Training Sessions
Placing Orders:
For practices that place lab or radiology orders:
Meaningful Use Stage 2 | Core Measure 1 | CPOE for Lab and Radiology/Imaging Orders
Setting Up Favorites:
How to set-up favorites to help streamline workfow:
Meaningful Use Stage 2 | Core Measure 1 | Optional Set Up: Adding a Lab Favorites Category in File Maintenance
Entering Lab Results:
For practices that will be entering lab results manually
(Please note, this is an MU requirement for practices that do not have a lab interface)
Meaningful Use Stage 2 | Core Measure 10 | Clinical Lab Test Results
Attaching Radiology/Images:
For practices that will be entering radiology images manually
(Please note, while this is an MU requirement, VERY FEW practices have opted to use this measure. Please check with the practice staff member responsible for MU to determine if this is required for your practice.)
Meaningful Use Stage 2 | Menu Measure 3 | Imaging Results
Adding More Lab Tests:
Our install includes the “standard tests” used by most practices. This video shows how to add additional tests not currently installed.
Meaningful Use Stage 2 | Core Measure 1 | Optional Set Up: Adding a Lab Test in File Maintenance

– Practice stakeholders have all approved the requested change.
– All practice staff have been informed of the plan to submit the request.
– All practice staff will be trained on placing orders and results.

Please allow five (5) business days for our Development team to update your system. We will reach out and notify you via email once the setup is complete.

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